
Who would Jesus vote for?

Re “McCain would prefer a Christian president,” Sept. 30

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) was wrong when he said “the U.S. Constitution established a Christian nation.” Nowhere in the document, including the amendments, does the term “Christian” appear, or even a mention of God. More important, the 1st Amendment contains the anti-establishment clause that no less than Thomas Jefferson credited with “building a wall of separation between church and state.” Jefferson went on to say that that separation was “the supreme will of the nation.”

As an agnostic, I am not a part of McCain’s “Christian nation” and will resist all efforts to make the United States a theocracy. The government must respect the beliefs of all individuals rather than allowing one belief to control our laws and our courts.

David Holland



McCain’s preference for a Christian president would have excluded the following former presidents, who were Unitarians or deists, from the job: John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, John Tyler, Millard Fillmore, Abraham Lincoln and William Howard Taft.


Ernest Salomon

Santa Barbara
