
It ain’t nothin’ but a Bloc Party album, y’all

What you’ll be talking about: Bloc Party, Part 2. The good news: Heartfelt dance rock band Bloc Party releases its sophomore CD, “Weekend in the City.” The bad news: Those who’ve heard it say the album is significantly less awesome than the band’s debut, “Silent Alarm.” (Tuesday -- see Ann Powers’ Critic’s Notebook on F12)

What a lot of people will be talking about: More tales from a crazy island. “Lost” finds its way back to prime time this week. This episode flashes back to Juliet (Elizabeth Mitchell) before she lived on the island and offers insights into how she wound up on the island two years before Oceanic Flight 815 crashed there. (Wednesday)

What nobody will be talking about: “Norbit.” You almost gotta feel sorry for Eddie Murphy. Right on the heels of receiving his first Oscar nomination, the poor guy has to go out and promote a movie in which he plays a loud-mouthed obese woman. Here’s why you don’t feel sorry for him: Last time Murphy wore a fat suit on screen (“The Nutty Professor II: The Klumps”), the film made $123 million, and the time before that (“The Nutty Professor”), the film did even better. Just because no one will talk about “Norbit” doesn’t mean no one will see it. (Friday)


What you should be prepared to talk about: Super Bowl XLI. Three reasons why even a nonsports fan might find this year’s Super Bowl interesting: 1. The Bears are the definite underdog, so it could be a major upset if they take the game from the Colts. 2. Colts quarterback Peyton Manning is universally acknowledged as the best player in the NFL who has never won a championship. 3. The lead coaches are not only good friends, they also share the distinction of being the first black coaches to take their teams to the Super Bowl. (Today)

What if you could talk about: The Academy Award nominees luncheon. Hey, Martin, could you pass the salt? Aren’t these potatoes amazing, Judi? Can I try a bite of yours, Leo? (Monday)


-- Deborah Netburn
