
No passing fad

I was baffled by the review of “Thank God You’re Here,” by Mary McNamara [“Improv, Sans the 2-Drink Minimum,” April 9]. She bluntly says “improv isn’t funny,” so why is she assigned to write the review for an improvisational television show?

McNamara seems to believe that the only way one can enjoy an improvisational performance is to be drunk -- which she also suggests is the condition of the television audience of the reviewed program.

She also states that enjoying improv is a “phase” and it “usually takes about a year to grow out of this.”


Our improvisational show, ComedySportz, is the longest-running show in this city (now in its 19th year). We don’t serve alcohol, and our audience is filled with families, college students and seniors who love every minute. I don’t think they would appreciate, or agree with, her dismissal of the form. Nineteen years is a pretty good “phase.”



The writer is artistic director at ComedySportz Los Angeles
