
KCET programming on Armenian genocide

Although much has been written about the PBS broadcast offer to public television stations of Andrew Goldberg’s “The Armenian Genocide” and optional panel discussion, I was surprised that, in Aris Janigian’s “PBS’ perverse genocide debate” (Opinion, March 9), The Times failed to note that KCET, this community’s public television station, has never had either program in its April program schedule.

KCET decided some time ago to acquire the broadcast rights to “Le Genocide Armenien,” an English-language film from Laurence Jourdan. We chose to broadcast this film not because of the controversy surrounding Goldberg’s film and its panel discussion but because we believe it best illuminates these important historical events, including the period before World War I. It will air April 17. We have put together a very strong schedule for April highlighting the Armenian experience, history and culture.


Executive Vice President,

Programming and Production

KCET, Los Angeles
