
How Much Fun Can $177 Million Buy?

Since Ronald Reagan, private money has played an ever-mounting role -- $177 million and counting -- in how political victory is celebrated on Inauguration Day. What has it bought? -- Compiled by Stephen W. Stromberg from newspaper reports

1981 / Ronald Reagan

Private money raised: $8 million

Big donor(s): Atlantic Richfield Co.

Taxpayer cost: Democratic Congress appropriates $650,000 for swearing-in

The A-list ball: Johnny Carson-hosted pre-inaugural inaugural gala featuring Bob Hope, Ethel Merman, Charlton Heston and Dean Martin

Number of balls: 9

Number of marching bands in parade: 21

Celebrity headliner(s): Frank Sinatra

Attendance: 500,000, up from the 350,000 for Jimmy Carter’s “ ‘Y’all Come’ People’s Celebration” in 1977


Memorable phrase: “We are too great a nation to limit ourselves to small dreams.... Let us begin an era of national renewal.”

Inaugural surprise: Critics say too much money spent on inauguration and fret that Sinatra was allowed to participate despite his ties to organized crime

1985 / Reagan

Private money raised: $12 million

Big donor(s): The Eagles, USA Today

Taxpayer cost: $2.3 million

The A-list ball: Frank Sinatra-produced presidential gala

Number of balls: 9

Number of marching bands in parade: 50, though the parade was canceled due to cold weather

Celebrity headliner(s): Ray Charles

Attendance: 500,000, but parade and outdoor speech were canceled

Memorable phrase: “Our nation is poised for greatness. Let history say of us, ‘These were golden years when the American Revolution was reborn.’ ”


Inaugural surprise: Nicaragua pressing charges in the World Court to declare the U.S. an aggressor nation for funding Contra rebels

1989 / George H.W. Bush

Private money raised: $30 million

Big donor(s): Exxon

Taxpayer cost: $7 million

The A-list ball: Lee Atwater’s Ball for Young Americans, where Atwater got down with his guitar

Number of balls: 11

Number of marching bands in parade: 54

Celebrity headliner(s): Bush favorite, the Oak Ridge Boys

Attendance: 300,000

Memorable phrase : “A new breeze is blowing, and a world refreshed by freedom seems reborn.... For in man’s heart, if not in fact, the day of the dictator is over.”


Inaugural surprise: Bush doesn’t have to testify in Oliver North trial

1993 / Bill Clinton

Private money raised: $33 million

Big donor(s): The Tobacco Institute

Taxpayer cost: Congress appropriated $700,000

The A-list ball: Arkansas Ball, where Clinton played the sax

Number of balls: 10

Number of marching bands in barade: 24

Celebrity headliner(s): Fleetwood Mac, Michael Jackson

Attendance: 800,000

Memorable phrase: “We must do what America does best ... offer opportunity to all and demand responsibility from all.”

Inaugural surprise: Hollywood donors crashing in the Lincoln Bedroom

1997 / Clinton

Private money raised: $24 million

Big donor(s): Donations limited to $100 per person because of Democrat fundraising scandals; R.J. Reynolds sponsored a “courtesy suite.”

Taxpayer cost: $12.7 million

The A-list ball: The American Ball, with Whoopi Goldberg

Number of balls: 14

Number of marching bands in parade: 28

Celebrity Headliner(s): Whoopi Goldberg, Sheryl Crow

Attendance: 400,000

Memorable phrase: A “new century in a new millennium.”

Inaugural surprise: House reprimand of Speaker Newt Gingrich two days after inauguration

2001 / George W. Bush

Private money raised: $30 million

Big donor(s): Kenneth Lay

Taxpayer cost: $8 million

The A-list ball: Florida state ball hosted by Larry Gatlin, minus the hanging chads

Number of balls: 8

Number of marching bands in parade: 42

Celebrity headliner(s): Meatloaf

Attendance: 350,000

Memorable phrase: “This is my solemn pledge: I will work to build a single nation of justice and opportunity.”

Inaugural surprise: Angry protesters shouting at Katharine Harris, Florida secretary of state involved in controversial recount

2005 / Bush

Private money raised: $40 million goal

Big donor(s): The energy industry ($1.8 million so far)

Taxpayer cost: $17.3 million (estimated)

The A-list ball: Texas Black Tie and Boots Ball, with Lyle Lovett and a lot of brisket

Number of balls: 9

Number of marching bands in parade: 21

Celebrity headliners: Guy Hovis, former “Lawrence Welk Show” performer, singing “Let the Mighty Eagle Soar” to outgoing Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft

Attendance: 250,000 projected

Memorable phrase: ?

Inaugural surprise: Rock-rapper Kid Rock, a possible inauguration performer, getting dropped when conservatives got wind of his lyrics about “pimpin’ ” Bush’s mother, Barbara
