
Nothing Like Kicking Him When He’s Down

It looks like the Kobe Bryant Lakers of Los Angeles can officially switch their name back to the Los Angeles Lakers for a while.

Jason Barheit

West Hollywood


We all know about the mistakes that Kobe Bryant has made in the recent past, but I think it’s important that we acknowledge the good that he does.

His promise to donate $1,000 for every point he scored last Friday night added $27,000 to the tsunami relief fund. Through all of his problems, he has always believed in a cause greater than himself and his own troubles.


Is he a flawed man? Yes. But is he still a decent man? Absolutely.

Mihir Upadhyaya

La Mirada


I’m sorry, are we supposed to be impressed by the publicity-grabbing, point-related contribution to tsunami victims of $27,000 from a guilt-motivated man who spent $4 million on a bauble for his wife?

Sandra Kapetan

Los Angeles


There is no mystery as to why the Lakers can’t win three games in a row.

The Lakers beat the Timberwolves by making 16 of 35 from three-point range, and then lost to the Nuggets while making five of 29 from three-point range.

You live by the jump shot, you die by the jump shot.

Richard Raffalow

Valley Glen
