
Frist shows leadership on stem cell research

Re “Defection Bares Stem Cell Rifts,” July 30

I am not a fan of Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.), but he deserves praise for standing up to the anti-choice crowd regarding stem cell research. The idea that stem cells are persons is not only ridiculous, but also cruel to those in need of the medical breakthroughs that stem cell research may provide, an economic disaster for the U.S. biotech sector and, worst of all, unbiblical. Genesis 2:7 clearly defines the moment when God causes the spirit to enter the body and life to begin: the first breath. Before then the body is as inanimate as the “dust of the ground.”

Steve Boulanger



Frist talked like a politician when he commented on Terri Schiavo’s case. It is thus refreshing to see that he has found his physician-scientist self again in the stem cell research issue. Far from weakening his prospect for a higher office, I believe this bold stance has actually made him appear more like a leader who is not afraid to swim upstream in the river of presidential wrath.

John T. Chiu

Newport Beach
