
Adding structure to your pose

Karen Voight can be reached at [email protected].

A yoga block is a great tool to help you enjoy the benefits of yoga and become more flexible. It will support you in positions like this one, so you can relax and focus on deep breathing. Try to make your inhalations last as long as your exhalations. Practice the bridge pose first, before you attempt the more advanced “legs up” version.


1 Bridge pose: With a yoga block within reach, lie flat on a yoga mat with bare feet. Place your arms alongside your body. Inhale, bend your knees and lift your hips, moving your heels toward your body so you can touch them with your fingertips. On an exhale, lift your hips a little higher and place the yoga block under your sacrum (the flat bone at the base of your lower back). Keep your feet and knees in a parallel position. Rest your hips on the block, relax and breathe deeply for 20 to 30 seconds.

2 Legs up: Start by getting in the bridge position. Slowly and with control, raise one leg and then the other until your ankles and knees are directly above your hips. Keep looking straight up to the ceiling as you find your balance with your hips over the block. Hold this pose for 20 to 30 seconds as you relax and breathe deeply. To come out of this pose, slowly lower one leg at a time, placing your feet on the floor in bridge pose again. Gently slide the block away and straighten your legs until you are lying flat on the mat.



-- Karen Voight
