
Extreme, or just extremely weird

Geotrekkers, barrel racers and fans of other wild and wacky outdoor endeavors will find kindred spirits at this site, a fledgling cyber forum for those who’d rather chat about roaring down a slope on a mountain board than hiking up one on foot.

Registered guests can post questions (“I want to make a summer cliff-diving trip around Colorado, but I do not know where the hot spots are”), provide answers (“Horsetooth Reservoir, Ft. Collins”) and share thoughts on a laundry list of out-there activities from sandboarding to street luge and something called wheelbarrow freestyle.

While a disproportionate number of postings on the site confirms that Texans are big into kart racing, other categories broaden the definitions of healthy outdoor recreation. It’s time to hit the garage and start those engines for ... lawn mower racing.


-- Jordan Rane
