Two good stretches for legs and hips
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Here are a couple of stretches you can do right after hiking, brisk walking, cycling or whenever your leg and hip muscles feel tight. Doing these stretches regularly can help prevent low back pain and keep your legs limber.
1 Stand on your left leg, resting your left hand on a stable ledge or chair. Bend your right knee, grasp the ankle with your right hand and flex your right foot. Place the right ankle on the left thigh just above the knee. Now move your right hand to the inner thigh, gently pressing the thigh outward. Bend your left knee and sit down by pushing your hips back, until you feel the stretch in your right thigh and buttock. Hold the position for 20 to 30 seconds while breathing deeply. Repeat with the other leg.
2 Stand on your left leg with your right leg resting on a sturdy ledge or table (no higher than hip height). Keeping your right leg straight, extend your left hand to your outer right foot, calf or thigh and hold it there. With your right hand, gently pull back the right hip until your hips squarely face the extended leg. Feel the stretch in the back of the thigh. To deepen the stretch, lean forward slightly while keeping your back straight. Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds before switching legs.
-- Karen Voight