
LAUSD’s False Promises Leave Teachers Behind

Re “Program’s Demise Leaves Teacher Trainees Jobless,” Oct. 14: Consistency is a wonderful thing. What evidence do we have that the LAUSD sets a priority on its students’ well-being in its personnel dealings with those who are on the firing line with students? The article illuminates the false promises of a future for teachers and students alike. It makes clear this is not a local problem only, but national, and probably is evidence of broken political promises “to leave no child behind.” Don’t quit your day job, if you have one, or plan on the LAUSD helping you to be prepared to get or keep one. Leave that to the Terminator!

Bob Focosi



Thank you for enlightening the public about the financial ruin caused by the cavalier and callous attitudes of those running the Los Angeles Teaching Fellows Program. The hundreds of us who were summarily laid off between May and now were not even graced with a return phone call from the program head. I was one of the fortunate ones who was embraced back into my former field of employment. Others were not so lucky. Many not only gave up their jobs to join the program but came from out of state. They deserve better.

However, I’m writing now to thank the hundreds of regular and certified teachers at the various schools who gave of their hearts, souls and intellect to help us “teaching fellows.” The teachers at Berendo Middle School, where I was sent for two semesters, deserve applause for all that they do to reach and teach students. The fact that they took on teaching the “teaching fellows” how to teach with no warning or remuneration speaks volumes that I doubt the administrators of the program could either read or understand.


Skye Dent

Los Angeles
