
Marion Jones Gives Birth to Boy

Five-time Olympic track and field medalist Marion Jones gave birth to a 5-pound, 14-ounce boy Saturday night at the Duke University Hospital in Durham, N.C.

The baby, born several weeks prematurely, was described as healthy by Jones’ public relations firm, which also said mother and baby were expected to spend Sunday in the hospital before being released.

Jones’ partner, Tim Montgomery, the world-record holder at 100 meters, was in Glasgow, Scotland, for a track meet and missed the birth of his son, who was named Tim Montgomery. “We knew we’d have a fast baby, but I didn’t expect him to be this fast,” the new father said.


Jones maintained a modified workout schedule during her pregnancy. She has said she plans to resume training in September for the 2004 Athens Olympics. “I am so happy,” she said in a press release. “This is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. He’s a beautiful baby, and Tim and I could not be more excited.”
