
Crunching El Capitan numbers

I would like to clarify John McKinney’s article “Despite Park Budget Crunch, El Capitan Beach Still Beckons” (Hiking, June 22).

As the district superintendent responsible for acquiring and operating this new unit, I knew last fall that opening and operating the 2,500-acre park would be nearly impossible without augmenting my budget.

Although it is true that the state parks department has experienced some budget cuts this year, the challenges facing the opening of this new park are more complex. As with any new acquisition, state parks managers are required to submit budget requests that anticipate how a new park will be operated and eventually serve the public. The conservative estimate for one-time and ongoing staffing needs -- which will include rangers, maintenance and naturalist staff, equipment, portable toilets, contract services, signs and the development of emergency and wildfire plans -- is about $1 million a year.


Until our state’s economy brightens and funding for new parks improves, I am looking to work closely with members of the Santa Barbara County Trails Council, local land trust officials, county park staff and the ranch’s former owners as we explore all options for opening El Capitan Ranch to the public on a limited basis.

Richard A. Rojas

Channel Coast

District superintendent

California Department

of Parks and Recreation

Santa Barbara
