
Think of Teachers’ Trip as a Refresher Course

Re “Teachers’ Road Trip? Guess Who Benefits,” June 20:

Way to go, Dana Parsons! It’s wonderful to read an article that doesn’t trash teachers and all we are doing.

Most people don’t realize how hard teaching is. It is not just an 8 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. job. The teachers I know work more than 50 hours per week, correcting papers, evaluating and planning lessons and doing a myriad of things never mentioned in the job description.

The reason so many leave teaching after the first year is not because of the pay -- it’s because of the hard work. Teaching can be a lonely job, and interaction with fellow teachers is so important. Talking with other teachers leads to the sharing of great ideas and definitely re-energizes and sparks the weary to continue on. I hope the Horace Mann Elementary teachers enjoy their desert seminars and come back ready and revitalized to face another semester.


Carol Lamar

