

A consumer’s guide to the best and worst of sports media and merchandise. Ground rules: If it can be read, heard, observed, viewed, dialed or downloaded, it’s in play here. One exception: No products will be endorsed.

What: “The Pursuit of a Dream: Mighty Ducks Postseason Special”

Where: Fox Sports Net, tonight, 10:30

This low-budget, half-hour show just skims the surface of the Mighty Ducks’ incredible run through the playoffs to Game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals. Host Bill Macdonald does his usual yeoman work but don’t expect anything in depth here. Macdonald interviews some key players, but there is nothing with Coach Mike Babcock or General Manager Brian Murray.

That’s not to say that Mighty Duck fans -- new and old -- won’t enjoy the special, which will be repeated several times. But Fox Sports Net could have put more time, effort and money into capturing the Ducks’ “pursuit of a dream,” as it is called. For one thing, too many of the highlights are shown without narration.


Macdonald interviews defenseman Keith Carney, center Adam Oates, team captain Paul Kariya and goalie and playoff MVP Jean-Sebastien Giguere. There is also a short feature on center Steve Rucchin.

At least the interview with a clean-shaven Giguere is done in a proper setting. Macdonald interviews Carney at the player’s locker and Kariya in a hallway. Those are two examples of Fox Sports Net not wanting to spend much money on this project.

The Ducks -- and their fans -- deserve better.
