
Taco Bell Vaccination Alert Issued

From a Times Staff Writer

Los Angeles County health officials urge people who ate at a Taco Bell in Alhambra on June 12 or 13 to get an immune globulin vaccination immediately, because an employee there has been diagnosed with hepatitis A.

The Taco Bell is at 2588 W. Commonwealth Ave. Customers who ate there between June 1 and 11 may have been exposed to hepatitis A, but the vaccination is effective only if received within 14 days of exposure, according to the county Department of Health Services.

County officials learned of the diagnosis Thursday, giving customers today and Saturday to get the vaccination. However, officials said that the danger that people had contracted the liver disease is low.


“It’s purely preventive,” said Laurene Mascola, chief of the county’s Acute Communicable Disease Control Program. “We have no way of knowing if this person contaminated the food.”

Those who can no longer take the preventive vaccinations should seek medical help if they develop symptoms that include a yellowing of the eyes and skin, nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, abdominal cramps, dark-colored urine and fatigue.

The vaccinations will be available today only at the Glendale, Monrovia, Pomona and Whittier health centers. Addresses are listed on the Health Info Line at (800) 427-8700 and at
