
Playing a name game with ‘Hulk’

A big, green guy is not the only thing conflicted about this summer’s latest comic book movie. So is the title -- is it “The Hulk” or simply “Hulk”? Depends whom you ask.

The media have had it both ways. The New York Times reviewed it as “The Hulk,” but a subsequent feature referred to it as “Hulk.” The Washington Post reviewed it as “Hulk,” although in listings and some other references it is “The Hulk.” The Chicago Tribune called it “The Hulk.” Variety declared it “Hulk.”

Going by what appeared on the screen and in all updated marketing materials including production credits, the Los Angeles Times review settled on “Hulk.”


An inquiry to Universal Pictures subsequently clarified that the official, copyright registered title is “The Hulk” but a studio representative said it was not incorrect to call it “Hulk.” The credits block on studio advertising material identifies it as “The Hulk,” an executive pointed out Thursday. Does that make it any clearer?

Even the “official” press notes present conflicting info. On the cover the title is given as “Hulk.” But reading beyond the credits reveals that some material in the press kit retains “The” in the title.

It’s not the first time marketing shorthand has sparked debate over titles.

“Men in Black” and its sequel were also known as “MIB” and “MIIB,” “Terminator 2: Judgment Day” became “T2,” and “Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines” is similarly “T3.”



-- R. Kinsey Lowe
