
If You Nurture a Dream of Music, Then Play On

Re “Principal Gets in Tune With His Students,” June 11: Bravo to Gary Domnitz and wife Leanne. His experience as an adult fulfilling a decades-long desire to play an instrument that truly moved him closely parallels mine. I, too, was “mesmerized” three decades ago by my instrument, the classical guitar. Whenever I heard it, I would feel an inexplicable connection to its sound and wished for years that I could make it mine.

I finally began studying about two years ago. As Leanne indicates about her husband, music does not come easily to me either, so to progress I have to spend significant time practicing. But it’s time that seems incredibly short. There is an absolute joy to playing music as an adult that is indescribable to one who has not experienced it. It’s as though we have been let in on a privileged secret. My advice to any adult who has nurtured a dream to play: Follow your dream; most likely it will be one of the most fulfilling things you’ll ever do.

Rita Ross

Santa Ana
