Increased Vehicle Fees Not Good for Economy
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Re “Tripling of Car Fee Is Expected,” June 20: Unlike other taxes, which dribble out of your paycheck each week, or a small fee added to your telephone bill, the car tax is an all-at-once, significant lump sum that arrives in the mail. The moment you open that envelope you’re a few hundred dollars poorer.
Each dollar the Davis administration adds to the car tax will be one less dollar spent on clothes, movies, dinners out, new cars and the myriad goods that people will stop buying to pay the tax.
So in order to dump money into the black hole that is Sacramento, billions of dollars will be taken out of California’s economy just at the time it needs the money most. Yeah, really smart, Gov. Davis. I will run, not walk, to vote in any recall election.
Marcus Johanssen
Rather than making necessary cuts (to cost-of-living increases, multiple pensions for numerous state officials, prison guard salaries) the state has elected to subvert the will of the people and arbitrarily raise vehicle license fees. Once again, California is promoting business in Oregon, Nevada, Washington and Utah. I can see the businesses fleeing already.
Will Wennerberg
Los Angeles
Given the way the budget is progressing in Sacramento, I think the current recall effort is aimed at the wrong target. If the Legislature cannot perform its constitutionally mandated duty, then each and every member should be recalled.
Jim Goodenough
Canoga Park