
Troops in Iraq Seize Top-Secret Documents

From Associated Press

U.S. soldiers, acting on a tip, seized code equipment and piles of top-secret Iraqi intelligence documents Saturday in a raid on a community center. The cache, including references to a nuclear program, is being sent to senior intelligence analysts to determine if there is information on Iraq’s alleged banned weapons programs.

The haul came on the sixth day of a nationwide sweep to seize arms and insurgents. So far, the military has conducted 90 raids and taken 540 suspects, a coalition spokesman said. No figure was given on how many had been released.

“It’s potentially significant,” said Capt. Ryan McWilliams, an intelligence officer with the Army’s 1st Armored Division, who examined the documents. U.S. forces have been combing Iraq for clues to suspected nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs. The searches have so far failed to prove that Iraq possessed banned weapons.
