
No Iwo Jima Parallel to Troops’ WMD Search

Once again, Michael Ramirez plays fast and loose with facts and logic with his Iwo Jima cartoon (“OK, so you defeated Hitler and Tojo, you liberated Dachau and Auschwitz ... but did you find any weapons of mass destruction?” Commentary, June 17). While the U.S. did liberate Dachau, Auschwitz was liberated by the Red Army.

As for weapons of mass destruction, the Germans were processing heavy water, from which fissionable material is derived, in Norway. They might have had the atomic bomb if not for the Allied bombing of those facilities. The war might have had a different outcome had the Allies not been successful.

Nazi Germany and Japan were clearly aggressors. Saddam Hussein, though a tyrant, had very limited military capability, as we found out.


Tim Swanson



To equate W’s little misadventure in Iraq to World War II, the sadism of Saddam to the evil incarnate exemplified by Hitler or Tojo and the raising of the flag on Mt. Suribachi, which culminated the bloodiest battle of the war in the Pacific, to the current fruitless search for mythical weapons in Iraq is patriotic sacrilege.

Ellen Zunino



Ramirez once again gets the prize for specious cartooning. In an attempt to smear critical Americans with the brush of un-Americanism, he implies that our soldiers are being blamed for the lack of weapons of mass destruction. Wrong. It’s the administration, stupid.

Allan Rabinowitz

Los Angeles
