
The real imitation of Hollywood life

Barbara King’s column “So Seduced, So Smitten,” along with the pictures in Adamo DiGregorio and David A. Keeps’ story “A Grand Entrance: Take 2” (June 12), was quite fascinating and very informative regarding the Hollywood Regency style of design.

I’ve often wondered about the magnificent sets in those films from the 1930s and ‘40s, and whether or not anyone actually lived in homes styled like that. Now I know. It was the stars themselves! (They liked the sets so much they took them home with them?)

However, in the reference to Loretta Young and her TV show from the ‘50s, I was trying to recall what show that was.


John Atkinson


Editor’s note: “The Loretta Young Show” ran on NBC from 1953 to 1961.
