
Davis Recall Effort Is Gaining Momentum

Re “Davis Recall Casts Light on Issa,” June 11: Regardless of what anyone thinks about Gov. Gray Davis, one should be deeply concerned about the effort to launch a recall election. Davis was legitimately elected by a majority of California voters. It is anti-democratic and frankly terrifying that a disgruntled group can challenge that election eight months after the fact.

I found the “election” of President Bush disheartening and I find his fiscal performance abysmal, but that doesn’t mean I’m trying to upset the democratic process (although I have real questions about how democratic the process was in Bush’s case). I’ll channel my efforts into doing my best to ensure that neither he nor anyone like him serves a second term. Those championing recall should do the same with Davis instead of courting political anarchy.

Cynthia Tobisman

Los Angeles


Democratic state Controller Steve Westly (Commentary, June 12) makes the perfect case for the very reason behind the recall effort. In his opening paragraph he states: “With California’s credit rating already the worst in the nation and in danger of sinking lower ....” He goes on to note, “Our state budget crisis is so great, and the consequences of not solving it so dire, that no elected official should focus on anything else.... “ Perhaps he should have given this advice to the governor.


Gov. Davis’ preoccupation with fund-raising and his miserable record of accomplishment are the very essence of the recall effort. If things were so great as to allow elected officials the time to worry about recall efforts, it’s likely there would be no such recall effort in the first place. Who was it again who said of the legislators, “Their job is to implement my vision”? Please remind me again, dear governor.

Michael H. Kane

Beverly Hills


“California Loses in a Recall” (editorial, June 8) was a clear sign that the Davis camp is worried about the recall effort, and it should be. I signed the recall petition against Davis. I took the initiative to download it through my computer because I am so frustrated with what he is doing and has done to our state.

At a recent family gathering I calmly asked if my sisters were interested in signing. (I happened to download petition forms for their home counties as well, since they must be separated by county.) No discussion, no argument, no coercion; just unreluctant agreement to sign a recall petition because they too are disgusted. Is the recall process and coinciding election a perfect process? Maybe not. But I am willing to take my chances if it means bureaucrat-lovin’ Davis will be outta there, and someone who actually cares about the California working people and small business owners has a shot at repairing the damage Davis has wrought. Contrary to your editorial, California will be a winner when the recall is successful.


Pat Knepley

