
Take a stand on stretching

Try this quadricep stretch after hiking, running or weight training. It’s an easy and convenient way to keep your thighs and hips more flexible, which also can help relieve lower back pain.

1 Stand upright with one hand against a wall for balance and support. Soften both knees and shift your weight to your right foot.

2 Bend your left knee and grasp your left ankle with your left hand. Pull your heel toward your buttocks, with your left knee pointing toward the floor. Make sure you pull your abdominals inward to avoid overarching your back. Breathe and stretch the front of your left thigh and hip. Let your right hand slide up the wall as you begin to tilt slightly forward, lifting the knee up and back. (For a more intense stretch, bend the front of your left ankle and press out your heel.) Hold this stretch for at least 30 seconds, breathe and relax your left thigh. Let go of your foot and bring it back to the floor. Repeat on the other leg.



Karen Voight

Karen Voight can be reached at [email protected].
