
Travel agents protect consumers

Regarding “Agents Must Reach Beyond Internet” (Letters, June 1): If a consumer pays money to an Internet company, there is no guarantee that services will be provided. But when consumers purchase a trip through a registered, California-based travel agency, their money is protected by the Travel Consumer Restitution Fund.

Californians have recouped thousands of dollars that would otherwise have been lost when participating sellers of travel went out of business or failed to provide promised services.

The fund is supported solely by sellers of travel in California and administered by the Travel Consumer Restitution Corp.


We’ve supported you. It benefits you to support us.

Diane Embree


California Coalition

of Travel Organizations


Send letters to Travel, L.A. Times, 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90012; fax (213) 237-7355, e-mail travel@ Include your name, address and phone number.
