
Steamed Over Deal for ‘Fahrenheit 911’

I read where Walt Disney Co.’s Miramax Film Corp. is going to fund Michael Moore’s “Fahrenheit 911” (“Michael Moore to Get Backing From Miramax, Source Says,” May 13). The article said, “The movie will look at the United States in the aftermath of Sept. 11 and alleged links between the families of Bush and Osama bin Laden.”

I cannot see why Walt Disney/Miramax would want to back a film that has no merit, no concrete facts, from a man who apparently has much hate for the U.S. president just because Bush got into office instead of his choice of candidate.

The article mentioned a book he wrote, “Stupid White Men,” about the aftermath of the hijackings. The book could have been his autobiography, after his performance at the Academy Awards ceremony.


Don Cox



Allowing Michael Moore another opportunity to skewer George Bush may backfire for Miramax, as our family has ceased buying anything Disney. Moore’s low-class comments about Bush during the Academy Awards ceremony only served to galvanize our family against any project he is working on, or those who choose to back him.

John Julis

