
The real first TV generation

In “Before Danny Was a DJ” (June 5), Carolyn Patricia Scott states, “[the exhibit] ... examines the first generation of youths that took most, if not all, of its cultural cues from television.” I had to laugh.

Everyone always wants to think that his or her generation is the first, the best, the most unique, etc. However, I am of the baby boomer generation (born 1947) and saw my first TV show in 1949. I watched many, many hours of TV from that point on. And, being from the unchallenged largest generation that ever was, guess what? I’m not the only one whose entire life and social cues were influenced greatly by television. There are millions more of us out here, and they’re not from Generation X. “The first generation”? I don’t think so.

Pamela Wells

Los Angeles
