
A hub of auto Americana

To leaven the wine touring with a bit of folk humor, stop at Litto’s Hubcap Ranch -- California Historical Landmark No. 839 -- 6654 Pope Valley Rd. near Aetna Springs. Litto Damonte (1896-1985) was a retired San Francisco contractor turned self-proclaimed Hubcap King. He collected hubcaps and other automotive artifacts, which he built into walls, roofs and trees. In the heat of a Pope Valley morning, the Hubcap Ranch is evocative, with its detritus of American auto culture superimposed on a pioneer homestead. You pick up the sly sensibility behind the placement of this old Coke bottle and that Chevy hood ornament, and you can almost hear Litto chuckling.

-- Rod Smith

For the record:

12:00 a.m. June 25, 2003 For The Record
Los Angeles Times Wednesday June 25, 2003 Home Edition Food Part F Page 3 Features Desk 0 inches; 30 words Type of Material: Correction
Napa Valley site -- An article on Litto’s Hubcap Ranch in the June 11 Food section incorrectly identified the site as California Historical Landmark No. 839. It is No. 939.
