
2 More Iraqi Fugitives Captured

From Associated Press

U.S. forces have captured two more of the 55 most wanted Iraqis, including a former member of ousted President Saddam Hussein’s inner circle, Pentagon officials said Tuesday.

Latif Nusayyif Jasim Dulaymi, No. 18 on the list, was the senior fugitive captured. He is a former member of Hussein’s Revolutionary Command Council, the small committee of the dictator’s top advisors, and is a former deputy secretary of the Baath Party’s military bureau.

The second man captured was a top official in the chemical weapons corps of the Iraqi military. Brig. Gen. Hussein Awadi, No. 53 on the list, also was a regional Baath Party leader in northern Iraq.


American officials hope that captured Iraqi officials such as Awadi can give them information leading to the stocks of chemical and biological weapons that President Bush said Iraq had before the war. No such weapons have been found.

More than half of the top 55 wanted Iraqis are in U.S. custody.
