
Facing Budget Deadline, Leaders Hold the Line

Re “With 6 Days to Go, Budget Talks in Chaos,” June 9: Let’s take Senate Republican leader Jim Brulte, Senate President Pro Tem John Burton, Assembly Speaker Herb Wesson and the rest of the gang in the state Capitol and ship them all to Baghdad. In their places, let’s elect people who promise to do what is right for all Californians not just right for the Democrats or Republicans. Brulte’s hostage-taking and Burton’s stubbornness should have them both ejected from California politics.

Mark Whichard



Re “GOP Digs State In Deeper,” editorial, June 6: Maybe it’s just my childhood spent around farmers, but I always thought that the guys with the machinery were the ones who could dig the holes. The paltry few Republicans in Sacramento could hold their planning meetings in a large broom closet. If they’re being stubborn now about more taxes, when our “spend-ocrat” Legislature has created the behemoth of all deficits, this is not so much “digging” as holding the line (finally). Why reward legislators who have shown they can spend faster than taxes rise with yet another tax increase? Doesn’t work on allowances for teenagers and won’t work in Sacramento.

Gary R. Albin

Long Beach
