
A Hard Line by Brulte in State Budget Impasse

Re “The Two Budget Titans Who Refuse to Budge,” by George Skelton, June 5: It’s a mistake to call Senate leader John Burton (D-San Francisco), Senate leader Jim Brulte (R-Rancho Cucamonga), Assembly Speaker Herb Wesson (D-Culver City) and Assembly Minority Leader Dave Cox (R-Fair Oaks) “leaders.” No leader in a legislative position stands firm to the end on any important position. Leading politicians compromise to get some or most of what they desire. Especially so, as here, when to do otherwise risks statewide economic disaster.

John McCarthy

Dana Point


The radical right is mounting an expensive campaign to recall Gov. Gray Davis. Davis, while perhaps not the best governor we’ve ever had, is not culpable for our current state fiscal situation. It is Enron and other consummate corporate villains, with their collective multibillion-dollar grand theft from our state, that bear that responsibility; of course, the current national economic climate also doesn’t help.

Meanwhile, Brulte refuses to work as he should toward a rational state budget and threatens those he regards as errant members of his own party with a campaign for their defeat. Recall Davis? Heck, no. Recall Brulte!


Paul Cooley

Culver City


Mr. Brulte, I’m with you on the budget 100%. Do not sign anything for political expedience that will put my children in debt for Davis’ reckless spending long after he’s gone. If there’s no budget, so be it. Cut some more entitlements and let the radical Democrats clean up their own mess. Good job, sir.

Marc Atkinson



Re “Careers at Stake, Brulte Tells GOP,” June 5: I wish Brulte and the other anti-tax Republican lawmakers would explain why they think raising taxes would hurt the California economy but laying off teachers, firefighters, police and other critical public servants wouldn’t.

Paul Gulino

Santa Monica
