
More on aqua aerobics

I found the article “Eager to Test the Waters” (June 2) a disappointing treatment of water fitness and exercise. It is not until the end of the article that the writer mentions the more typical water workouts that raise the heart rate to the appropriate levels.

Kirstin Ellsworth

South Pasadena


I attend an aqua aerobics class regularly (two to three times a week) and, believe me, if you put any effort into it, your pulse rate is going to elevate. Our classes are one hour in length and consist of warm-up, at least 20 minutes of aerobic exercises, several sprints and then either a noodle or weight workout. Our instructors are certified and dedicated to making the class enjoyable. The music used spans several decades.

I encourage your readers to give it a try.

Joanne Kleppe

Fountain Valley
