
Ducks’ Flock Not Just in Orange County

Yes, Bill Plaschke, there are Mighty Duck fans outside of Orange County. My wife and I are two of them.

My wife was born and raised in Chula Vista and then moved to the San Fernando Valley. I lived in Fresno between 1992 and 1997 and now live in Westchester, along with my wife. We are both Mighty Duck fans, both partial season-ticket holders.

I write this letter only to let you know that there are two Mighty Ducks fans in Los Angeles County who are once again severely disappointed in the coverage of the Mighty Ducks that the L.A. Times provides.


I don’t know any fans of Bill Plaschke, so I guess there must not be any.

Doug Stolhand


I’m a Duck fan and have been for the last seven years. To say that there are no Duck fans outside of OC is just ignorant. Check your facts. I will refrain from reading your paper until you get a decent fact-checker.

Nichole Braucksieker

Los Angeles

Chris Berman: Back, back, back ... off hockey!

Steve Allen

Palm Springs
