
Sosa Really Uncorked Some Fine Fan Whines

I believe Sammy Sosa when he says he accidentally used a corked bat, just like I believe that Sammy and Mark McGwire have never used steroids. I also believe that O.J. will soon find the real killers, that there is indeed a Santa Claus, and that the Beatles will soon reunite to play at the wedding of Reese Witherspoon and Marty Wiltsey.

Marty Wiltsey


What’s the big deal? Sammy uses steroids only for exhibitions too.

Gary Durrett


To the tune of “76 Trombones”:

Seventy-six long bats led the big charade

With a hundred and ten or more bets changing hands

As to whether Sosa’s bat was filled with this and that

Like bits of cork, although he knew they’re banned.

Charles L. Zetterberg


Sammy, if you want us to believe that you don’t cheat, take a steroid test. If you pass, your lame “batting practice bat” excuse may be somewhat accepted. If not, you will forever have an asterisk next to your name.

Debbie Huggins


Sure, Sammy, you secretly had an illegally corked bat made to your exact specifications just so you could use it for batting practice? Uh-huh. And, incredibly, it happened to break in the only time you used it in a game? That’s about as believable as when you miraculously went from 190 to 230 pounds of muscle overnight several years ago just by eating Fritos.


Too bad you weren’t around when Ernie Banks, all 170 pounds of him, was hitting his 500 homers the old-fashioned way, with a solid-wood Louisville Slugger.

You’re a lying, cheating phony, Sammy. And you should be ashamed of yourself. But people like you will never admit it because the same lack of ethics that allows you to pop those pills and stuff that cork will keep you from looking us in the eye and telling the truth.

Skip Usen

Santa Monica

Did I miss something, or doesn’t the phrase “innocent until proven guilty” still exist in this country? According to the hanging judge and his sidekick, Ross Newhan and Mike Penner, Sammy Sosa must have committed murder, swindled an old lady out of her life savings or, at the very least, lied on his taxes, by the amount of righteousness in their stories.


Guys, get a life. There are more important issues in today’s post-9/11 world to worry about than one man’s honest mistake.

Julie T. Byers


Sammy Sosa’s use of a corked bat deserves the same compassion extended by the Los Angeles Times to former King owner Bruce McNall in last Saturday’s front-page feature story. Even remorseful McNall would agree that Sosa’s mishap, even if proven to be intentional, pales in comparison to McNall’s bilking investors and bankers out of millions.

Ruben A. Vassolo

Santa Barbara

What a mistake. *Sammy Sosa used a corked bat. It makes all *505 home runs seem less worthy, the three seasons he hit *60, the four seasons he hit *50.


Hendrik Huigen


Baseball cracks down on steroid use and now Sammy Sosa uses a corked bat, Jason Giambi is hitting .230 and Miguel Tejada .219. Just one question: What’s Shawn Green’s excuse?

Ty Visconti

