
McNall Won’t Win Any Popularity Contests

Bruce McNall is such a great role model for young impressionable kids who read the sports section. As Wayne Gretzky said, “In life, nobody’s perfect.” A guy who pleaded guilty to defrauding folks of $236 million, who spent six months in solitary confinement (I suspect for not being “perfect”) and who was “relieved” to be caught and probably “relieved” that he could find a job as a movie executive isn’t a “nobody.” If you are “somebody” you can have it all ... with maybe a little prison time tossed in.

How nice that Mr. McNall didn’t have trouble finding a job ... or a book publisher.

Joan Martin

Woodland Hills

“Bruce Almighty”? Are you kidding me? Kobe Bryant is one of the finest people ever in the world of L.A. sports. You repay him by humiliating him, running his personal business on the front page of the Sunday Sports section on the morning of a playoff game. Bruce McNall, on the other hand, is a felon, a liar who stole millions upon millions of dollars from investors, but you accord him celebrity puff-piece treatment. I’d question your judgment, if you had any.

Michael Levin

Marina del Rey
