
FYI: Irvine is in Orange County

As an Irvine resident, I found James Verini’s semi-ironic invocation of my city (“...any resident of Hollywood, of Los Angeles -- of Irvine...”) highly amusing (“Need A Lift? Go See Stars,” May 22). Irvine is more or less off the radar screen of most Angelenos.

When in L.A. and asked where I live, my reply of “Irvine” is usually met with confused looks and queries of “Where’s that?”

Angelenos expect us to be on the Hollywood tour bus, right next to Ms. Idaho and Mr. Oklahoma. Anything else would disturb the order of the universe; even the hint of a suggestion that it might not occur to us to take our preordained places on the tour bus.


In this respect, Verini is unintentionally generous to Irvine, but really ought to refine his geography of places that matter.

Justine Hanson

