
When in doubt, ask Coach Mom

I did a spit-take with a mouthful of my cereal and chuckled as I read Christopher Noxon’s “It Takes a Village to Help One Man” (May 29). I have come to the conclusion that you can save yourself a lot of money and time with just one person. Your mom!

Mom as Physical Trainer: “I don’t care if ‘Lizzie McGuire’ is on, turn off the TV and go play outside with the neighbor kids.” Mom as Color Consultant: “That pink hair just isn’t you!” Mom as Spiritual Advisor: “You forgot your science book? Pray real hard that you pass the test tomorrow!” Mom as Networking Coach: “Be nice to that kid. His dad is my client!” Mom as Feng Shui Advisor: “If you made your bed and tucked in the bedsheets, your energy would stay put!” Mom as Personal Organizer: “Put it back where it belongs!” Mom as Wardrobe Consultant: “You are not wearing that, are you?” Mom as Nutritionist: “Yes, your dad grew that broccoli himself and it’s good for you!” Mom as Life Coach: “Always have something you can fall back on!” See? A simple call to our mothers would put a lot of coaches out of business! Including me!

Mona Lyden Moore


Mona Lyden Moore is an image consultant.


Just wanted to thank you for Christopher Noxon’s terrific article. Made me laugh out loud several times and I’m in the comedy business!


I got addicted to coaching a few years ago and have worked with money coaches, physical trainers (my current diet is the BBC Diet: “Buy Bigger Clothes”), marketing coaches, and even a hypnotherapist. I have concluded that, in the words of Martin Mull: “Why be influenced by a person when you already are one.”

Adam Christing

La Mirada
