
Agents must reach beyond Internet

Regarding “In the Era of the Web Search, Whither the Travel Agency?” (May 11): How do you find a competent travel consultant? Over the years I have been sent to the wrong airport, had invalid tickets and experienced too many other problems to have a positive attitude toward travel agents.

Why should I go to a travel agency’s office, wait for an agent to get on the Internet and obtain the same information I can get at home in less time? I probably even save money booking a trip myself because it’s not in the best interest of the agents to get you the cheapest price; they make less money.

The travel profession should reposition itself to provide services for complicated travels. The industry will not survive booking services that people can easily do by themselves on the Internet.


Bernie Thielen

Huntington Beach


A handful of good agencies in Los Angeles is having the most profitable years since airline commissions vanished -- and that’s not because we’re charging consumers more but because we’re taking time to service more profitable travel arrangements.

For consumers who want a cruise vacation or who want to know more about them, Cruise Lines International Assn. provides travel-agent accreditations as cruise counselor and master cruise counselor. The designations indicate that an agent has completed training and has cruise travel experience.

Most professional agents belong to an agency group. Although these don’t ensure an agent’s professionalism or expertise, their members tend to be professional and productive in the business, not hangers-on.


Dan Ilves

Vice President,

Travel Store


In 35 years as a travel professional, I have seen a metamorphosis in the industry. Although the nature of the business has changed, good travel agents who can plan complicated trips and be problem solvers still prosper. I have never been busier, and now I can concentrate on components of the business that are lucrative and also fun to book.

Linda F. Van Buren

Your Travel Center

Santa Barbara

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