
More Questions for Bush and Blair

Re “Unexplained Leaps,” editorial, July 15: To call the American media polite and the British media tabloidists is to coddle the Americans and insult the Brits. With the exception of a few (like Robert Scheer), the American media have been on bended knee before this administration. Not so the Brits before Prime Minister Tony Blair.

The Times says that Blair will be grilled about the “errant claim” on African uranium in President Bush’s State of the Union speech. But who will grill Bush? Who will grill Vice President Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, national security advisor Condoleezza Rice, secretary of State Colin Powell and the Pentagon’s office of special plans? Grilling Blair is easy because he doesn’t duck. To date, no one has grilled Bush or any of his handlers. Stay tuned for the press conferences.

Damiana Chavez

Los Angeles


Why is Bush being questioned only about his intentionally false claim about nuclear weapons material? What about the other false claims in that same speech: Where are the “25,000 liters of anthrax”? Where are the “38,000 liters of botulinum toxin”? Where are the “500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent”? Where are the “29,984 munitions capable of delivering chemical agents?” All of these were supposedly ready, on 45 minutes’ notice, to be used against “freedom-loving people.”


Hence, the rush to war!

Bill G. Aldridge

Henderson, Nev.


Re “A Firm Basis for Impeachment,” Commentary, July 15: At last the “I” word is printed in The Times. Scheer is a brave columnist to suggest that Bush and his hawk friends are responsible for the biggest con game ever foisted on a gullible public by constant repetitions of false evidence in all areas. Too bad so many GOP apologists continue to be faithful to this White House regime.

Fred Reichart



So, Scheer wants Bush impeached. His sin is uttering a sentence that is absolutely correct -- the British maintain to this day that Saddam Hussein was uranium-shopping in Africa. Sure sounds like an impeachable offense to me. Does Scheer further want us to apologize to Hussein, give the murderous thug his country back? Uranium or not, isn’t the world better off with Hussein in hiding? Most everyone but Scheer, with his nutty logic, seems to think so.

Paul Knopick

Laguna Hills
