
A Low and High Week for Kobe and Lakers

Headlines I thought I’d never see in my lifetime:

“Clippers Win NBA Title.”

“Adam Sandler Wins Oscar for Best Actor”.

“Anna Kournikova Wins Tennis Tournament”

“L.A. Awarded Two NFL Franchises, AFC and NFC”

“Kobe Bryant Accused of Sexual Assault”

Mark J. Featherstone

Windsor Hills

The situation that Kobe Bryant finds himself in is very unjust and unfair. To be able to accuse a person of sexual misconduct, change their image forever in the public eye, and at the same time be able to remain completely anonymous is completely wrong.

If we believe in equality between men and women, then both parties should be treated equally when it comes to disclosing or not disclosing their names to the public.

Jim Gillespie


“A city doesn’t know what to feel,” Bill Plaschke writes. “It doesn’t know what to say. It doesn’t know what to tell its children. And now, it must wait.”


Wait for what? Should I have stayed home from work on Monday, wondering what would happen to Kobe Bryant? Thank God I don’t have any children, because what would I tell them? I know the Kobe incident is a big deal -- I freaked out when I saw it on the sports ticker Sunday night. And while my inclination is to believe it’s nothing but another money or attention grab in this media-crazed society of ours, once again Plaschke goes entirely overboard.

As far as I could tell, life continued in this teeming, funky metropolis following the announcement. I sure hope Bill Plaschke can find it in himself to continue living. This is sports, remember.

Mike McNiff

Costa Mesa
