
Freedom to point out the flaws

Thank you, Al Martinez, for writing so eloquently about what I also believe America truly represents (“As Americans, We Have the Inherent Right to Disagree,” July 5). America’s values (such as justice, liberty and equality) and not its symbols (such as the flag, patriotic ceremony and slogans) are what make this country great.

“Superpatriots,” as you call them, can be found in any country -- even dictatorships, but how many countries would celebrate, much less tolerate, their most challenging native naysayers?

I don’t know if America’s critics love this country more than your average “superpatriot,” but I think it is a more thoughtful and profound sentiment that embraces her foundational principles while feeling comfortable enough in the relationship to point out her flaws.


Josh Bricker

Santa Ana


It’s a shame the Al Martinez column was buried on Page 2 of the Calendar section. It should have been printed on the front page and emblazoned with red, white and blue bunting.

Al hit the nail on the head. The greatest thing about America is the right to disagree with the power structure without fear of torture or death at the hands of the government. To the Pat Robertsons, Jerry Falwells, Bush apologists, ultraconservatives, ultraliberals and others who want this great country to march only to their orders or else, I find your views repugnant, but I will defend to the death your right to hold them. That is what we celebrated on July 4th. That is the American way!

Lewis S. Snow

La Crescenta
