
Coping With Visitors to Yosemite Park

Re “Yosemite Busing Plan Stalls Amid Criticism,” July 6: Many of those who voice shock at the idea of busing visitors from parking lots to Yosemite Valley don’t seem to offer viable alternatives to the current situation, with its increasing crowding, traffic congestion and pollution. Some calling the bus plan social engineering might be opposed to the idea of a national park in the first place. The economic life of the communities near the park must be taken into consideration, but simply criticizing those who wish to protect the park and prolong its use as a natural and economic resource accomplishes little.

Growing up in L.A., I often visited Yosemite. The park has changed a lot since then, and not necessarily for the better. The congestion and pollution are more than inconveniences. Water and air pollution are already killing plants and animals in the park. Talk about killing the goose that laid the golden egg.

Steven Koenig

Silver Spring, Md.
