
Fast Food, Fast Money and Faster Attorneys

“Fast-Food Foolishness” (editorial, July 7) is an outstanding example of “attorney fast-money foolishness.” Do attorneys filing class-action lawsuits against the fast-food industry really think the public believes they are doing this to protect their clients’ health? They don’t care about anybody’s health; they only care about lining their pockets.

If these attorneys are serious about this cause, why aren’t they suing grocery stores for selling the same food products? And why aren’t they demanding warning labels on the entrances to these establishments? If the attorneys really cared, they would advise their clients to take responsibility for their own actions and stop filing these frivolous lawsuits.

Time for dinner.

Jeff Glenn

Los Angeles


I’m 48 years old. I work out four times a week (Pilates). Hate it. I won’t consume foods containing processed sugars, high levels of salt or animal fat. Zero fun. I eat a ton of broccoli and carrots. Thrilling. I do all the “right” things and despise each and every one of them. The payoff? Great sex.


Suggestion: Put down the fork and pick up your wife. She’ll dig it.

Larry Cedar

Sherman Oaks
