
For Those of You Still Sweet on Elvis -- This Could Be Your Big Chance

I read where one of Elvis Presley’s teeth is included in a collection of memorabilia being offered on EBay for a minimum bid of $100,000. Knowing Elvis, I guess it must have been a sweet tooth.

Heavy metal love: Romance is a beautiful thing at a young age but, alas, life teaches us that it doesn’t always last. So my advice to Beverly Hills High School senior Tina Baravarian is to enjoy the present. And may she someday look back and smile at the tender sentiment in her yearbook, the passage that declares her “most likely to marry her car,” a strapping 2003 Infinity G35.

Sure, that Infinity looks good now. It’s hard for me to believe that there was a time I thought my 1962 Ford Fairlane and I would never split. But I walked away. I had to. I mean, what would you do if the driver-side door kept coming unhinged?


Speaking of splitting up: In an interview in The Times the other day, singer/producer Michelle Phillips recalled her long-ago marriage to actor/wild man Dennis Hopper this way: “I was only married to him for eight days. So it wasn’t that big of a mistake.”

Of course, these are show biz folks. That marriage was a long one compared to those of musician Buck Owens and fiddler Jana Grief (two days); actress Jean Arthur and photographer Julian Anker (one day); and actor Rudolph Valentino and actress Jean Acker (six hours).

Then there was the one-day union of actress Robin Givens and tennis pro Svetozar Marinkovic. Actually, it was shorter than a day. Marinkovic later told a reporter that the newlyweds went their separate ways after seven minutes. Game, set, match!


By contrast: The People’s Almanac says the longest show-biz marriage is that of Bob and Dolores Hope: 69 years as of last February.

On another litigious note: Joseph Herman of Menifee passed along a provocative name for a law firm, this one in Ireland. It’s since been taken over by the firm of McTernan & MacGowan. They swallowed the Phibbs, I guess (see accompanying).

How big a guillotine was it? I mentioned that the Golf Giant along the San Diego Freeway in Carson is in peril because the Dominguez golf course may be turned into a development. Which prompted Tony Tellier to send the sad news about a brother of the giant hacker near the Coachella Valley town of Mecca (see photos).


MiscelLAny: I feel guilty that I allowed the campaign to recall Gov. Gray Davis to proceed far enough that it may force a special election. All I had to do was bring up one point and even most Republicans would have declined to sign the petitions. And that point is: Is a recall worth all the television and radio pitches that we’ll have to hear from both sides?

Ech! All that arguing and all those phibbs.

Steve Harvey can be reached at (800) LA-TIMES, ext. 77083, by fax at (213) 237-4712, by mail at Metro, L.A. Times, 202 W. 1st St., L.A. 90012 and by e-mail at [email protected].
