
Dodger Dog scores low with fans too

David Shaw’s column on the decline of the Dodger Dog (“Who Let This Dog Out?,”July 2) brought a flurry of e-mails. As we went to press, there were 171 responses: 167 readers agreed with Shaw, four defended the dog.

YOU could not be more right on. I’m 62 and have been a baseball fan in L.A. my whole life. The old Gilmore Field had a natural-casing hot dog that was to die for. The current Dodger Dog is so bad it’s a wonder they can sell any.

Ray Rosenthal

Los Angeles


I couldn’t agree more. The only part you left out was the price. The last time I took one of my grandsons to the game, I paid more than $15 for two Cokes and two dogs. By the fourth inning, the condiment area was disgusting.


Richard P. Kain

Apple Valley


WE developed the original spicy dog with Tom Arthur, the concessionaire at the stadium, and sold them until 1981. The size of the hot dog was 8 inches. It was all beef and became very popular. When Farmer John heard there was competition to his products, he had Peter O’Malley write me a letter saying Farmer John supports the Dodgers with a $1.6-million ad budget and they demand only their products be served. It was a very sad day for us, the fans and the Dodgers.

Peter Patman

Marina del Rey


I agree with you that the Dodger Dog is hardly epicurean, but it has magic.

Mark Osterstock

Ladera Ranch


I have never understood the fascination or reverence given to Dodger Dogs. I have found them to be almost inedible and without the requisite crunch you get from a truly excellent dog. The last time I ate a Dodger Dog I must have put on a pound of relish, mustard, onions and ketchup just to mute the horrendous taste.

Edward D. Lerner



THE Dodger Dogs don’t taste that good the first time you have them, and even worse when they come back in the later innings. We stop at the deli before the game.


Terry Kierzek

Agoura Hills


THE dogs -- ugh! Send the staff to Hollywood Park and learn how to make a dog right. You don’t know how many fans now bring sandwiches to the game.

Jacques Soiret

Pacific Palisades
