
Find Out the Truth About Cuba for Yourself

I appreciated “It’s Always 1984 in Cuba” (Opinion, June 29). Those of us who work on Cuba issues appreciate any press the island can get in the U.S., even if negative. I recently returned from my 14th trip to Cuba, always a combination of research and work, and always fascinating. I definitely agree that in the U.S., people can get just about anything they want published. I must ask myself, however, with all that “freedom,” how it is possible that I knew virtually nothing about Cuba before I started going myself? And why, once I went there myself, did I feel so previously misinformed and surprised by virtually everything I saw and felt in Cuba?

Could it be that there is an inverse relationship between the quantity and variety of media in the U.S. and our lack of knowledge of reality and truth? Viva Cuban sovereignty and, please, my fellow Americans, go visit.

Rachel Bruhnke

San Pedro
