
Molesters Will Go Free After Court’s Ruling

Re “Even Confessed Abusers May Go Free,” June 27: Child molesters everywhere must be dancing in the streets and raising their glasses to toast the U.S. Supreme Court for its ruling that disallows the suspension of the statute of limitations for the prosecution of child molesters in California. It is estimated that about 800 pedophiles, that is, adults who use children for sexual gratification by means of rape, sodomy, oral copulation, etc., could be back on the streets.

Liberty and justice for all? Maybe for pedophiles, but not for the most innocent among us. God help the children. God forgive the U.S. Supreme Court.

Victor Martin

Santa Monica


Re “Church’s Victims Abused Again by High Court,” by Steve Lopez, June 27: The Catholic Church is its membership, not its clergy. The church performs countless unnoticed acts of mercy each day: clothing, feeding, educating, medically treating and emotionally supporting those in need. It has a keen sense of morality and ethics and exists for the purpose of making the world a better place. To characterize the church as the perpetrator of the abhorrent acts of a few of its clergy is offensive and unfair.


Michael Card

Dana Point
