
David E. Kelley Should ‘Practice’ Being Patient

I would say to David E. Kelley that he should calm down and wait a couple of weeks (“Producers Accuse ABC of Hurting TV Series,” Jan. 29).

Viewers of “The Practice” are very loyal and couldn’t care less when it is on, or what channel carries the program.

Because of the hoopla surrounding the Super Bowl and “Joe Millionaire,” people were distracted, so give it a few weeks and the ratings will shoot up.


I usually tape it to watch the next morning while on the treadmill, so the ratings are never an accurate report of what people are watching anyway. Many people TiVo, tape, etc.

Mr. Kelly, a quality program with your cast of stars will continue to be watched. Just be patient.

Doris Melnick

Rancho Palos Verdes
