
Op-ed influence

Although I am partially in agreement with David Shaw’s piece on James “Scotty” Reston (“ ‘Scotty’ Had JFK’s Ear; That Access Is Long Gone,” Feb. 2), I take exception to his singling out of Thomas Friedman, a master of the Mideast; William Safire, a would-be master of satire; and Paul Krugman. They are, no doubt, brilliant writers and I admire them. However, Shaw has neglected to mention the skillful, intellectual and accomplished Arianna Huffington, sardonic Maureen Dowd, passionate Robert Scheer, our beautifully glib Molly Ivins and David Broder, staid truth-teller. And what about Helen Thomas? Certainly, Thomas has had the ear of most presidents?

It would seem to me that none of the above-mentioned journalists would succumb to Shaw’s accusation of lack of judgment in any interview, but present an honest appraisal of the facts with no name-calling.

Harriet Dean

Palm Springs
