
Illegal Immigration Harms Our Country

Re “Number of Illegal Migrants Growing,” Feb. 1: So, the INS reports 7 million illegal aliens in the United States in 2000, with an additional half-million pouring in every year. (Your article uses “undocumented immigrants,” but I’ll apply more appropriate verbiage -- they are illegal and they are criminal by the very act of their sneaking through our borders.) How can our president, who pays so much lip service to the idea of homeland security, ignore such a disaster?

Where is our governor, who is so concerned about budget deficits? Can it be that business is fueled by these minimum-wage, unskilled and, in many cases, unschooled workers? Doesn’t anyone consider the demand these people place on schools, publicly funded health services and low-income housing? Are we to allow an increasingly demanding “open-border-friendly” Latino population to override common sense? Uncontrolled borders will be the end of the golden era in California and in the U.S. Where is the National Guard?

Pam Wright

